STATEMENT: “Straight Lives Matter” Rally

This weekend a “Straight Lives Matter” rally is planned for a well-known LGBTI area in Sydney.

We urge the community to stay away from this rally.

The goal of this group is not to persuade nor debate. It is to provoke a response and increase media attention.

We note the organisers have a history of provocation and their minds are already made up on marriage equality. We also note these individuals are not approaching us in a respectful, open-minded way to discuss concerns or issues.

The next few months will continue to test our integrity as some seek to delegitimise our calls for equality before the law.

This is another reason why we urge people to stay away from the rally. There is no benefit to you hearing, again, the debunked ‘slippery slope’ claims about LGBTI people and marriage equality promoted by this group.

We also urge any group considering a counter-rally to be mindful.

While we respect the right of community members to register and hold a rally or protest we do not endorse any protest being held near Oxford Street on this issue on the afternoon of Saturday 23 September 2017.

This includes the counter-rally. We note the counter-rally is organised by a collective who aren’t formally part of the YES Campaign group of organisations.

Finally, it should go without saying that no matter what your political views, using violence and physical intimidation is never acceptable.

We must remember what this is about – love, dignity and mutual respect.