19 September 2008 - Massive leap forward for family law and child support equality

The Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement that the definition of ‘parent’ in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) will be amended, in line with recommendations made by the GLRL to a Senate Inquiry last month.

The changes will ensure most same-sex families created through assisted conception will be treated equally in child support matters and in issues concerning custody and care before the Family Court.

“We congratulate the Rudd Government on yet another massive leap towards equality for our families. This announcement is the ‘cherry on the cake’ for the current same-sex reforms before the Australian parliament”, said Emily Gray, GLRL Co-Convenor.

The new definition, amending section 60H of the Family Law Act, will be introduced into the Government’s Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Bill 2008.

The changes will mean that female same-sex couples with children born through assisted reproductive technology will be recognised as one family for all family law and child support purposes, including property division and custody issues. As states and territories recognise families created through surrogacy, these families will be recognised too.

The announcement comes after the GLRL successfully convinced all the Labor, Liberal and Greens Senators on the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee to recommend the changes in their inquiry into the Bill. Once the Committee recommended the changes, the GLRL wrote to all members of the federal government urging for immediate reform.

“It is now up to the Coalition to show that they support the best interests of all children regardless of the sexuality of their parents. The Coalition must support these amendments to ensure no Australian child is treated like a second-class citizen,” said Peter Johnson, GLRL Co-Convenor.