Code of Conduct

This code of conduct contains the standards of behaviors with which all Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) members are expected to observe. These standards provide a framework for your decisions and actions in relation to conduct in your membership with GLRL.


Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby Purpose and Values

The Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (NSW) have been advocating for equality and social justice for gay men and lesbians since 1988.

We lobby politicians, government department, policy makers and the media to redress discrimination against lesbians and gay men.

We represent the gay and lesbian community at the local and state level through statewide consultations. Our consultations have highlighted social injustice and legal inequalities faced by lesbians and gay men, in areas such as relationship recognition, parenting and adoptions rights, workplace discrimination, the age of consent and homophobic violence.

We educate the gay and lesbian community on how to activate their rights. We provide information to the community, media and individuals on gay and lesbian rights and areas of discrimination. We refer clients to legal and welfare services and direct them to ways to enforce their rights.

We empower the gay and lesbian community to take action in the push for equality. The GLRL runs volunteer working groups, which organise campaigns and events highlighting equality issues.

All GLRL members are expected to act and carry out their contributions to the GLRL in accordance with the purpose and values of the GLRL.

Personal and Professional Behaviour

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby members should refrain from any form of conduct intended to cause any person offence or embarrassment or which may potentially bring the GLRL into disrepute.

In volunteering, representing or performing GLRL duties you should:

  • Demonstrate at all times respect for diversity, showing heightened awareness to the backgrounds and experiences of all GLRL members (see our diversity statement);
  • Demonstrate honesty, transparency and integrity and avoid conduct which could suggest any departure from this;
  • Treat all GLRL members, employees, volunteers and members of the public with courtesy and sensitivity to their rights and refrain from any abusive, neglectful or exploitative behavior;
  • Keep adequate records to ensure transparency and accountability to support to support and inform all GLRL decision making;
  • Comply with any relevant legislative, industrial or administrative responsibilities applying to your area of activity;
  • Strive to obtain value for money spent and avoid waste and extravagance in the use of GLRL resources;
  • Keep up to date with all GLRL relevant policy and procedural information and where to find policy and procedural information where appropriate;
  • Where a member finds a policy at significant conflict with their personal views, the matter should be discussed with GLRL Committee of Management with a view to having the situation resolved in line with the wellbeing of the member and the organisational needs of the GLRL;
  • GLRL members may indicate objection or dissent but should not willfully disregard or willfully disobey any decision or policy directive given by a person (Committee of Management) authorized to do so. Members should discuss their concern with the appropriate GLRL person and continue working in line with the policy until the matter is resolved;
  • All GLRL members should be responsible for the welfare and safety of themselves and those around them when representing GLRL (see our WH&S policy).
  • All GLRL members should refrain from giving the impression of formally representing the GLRL without specific prior consent from the GLRL Committee of Management


The Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (NSW) strives to be an organisation with a culture that is fair and open and a place where individuals are recognised for their contributions to the GLRL. In doing this, we encourage feedback from all GLRL members. You are encouraged to discuss any issues relating to conduct that is of concern, with the GLRL Committee of Management.

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