The age of consent in NSW
treats young gay men like criminals
As a result young gay men can suffer low
self-esteem and are unfairly
limited in their access to important health and welfare services.
The law is different for young gay men as the age of consent
is two years higher than the legal age for all other people and there
are much harsher penalties than
for everyone else. There is no reason for continuing to treat young gay
men differently. The University of New South Wales has proven in recent
research that not only is there no evidence anywhere in the world to support
a discriminatory age of consent but that the unequal age of consent is
actually harmful to young gay men.
The Government is unable to provide any evidence or any justification
to support these discriminatory laws and whilst the government and parliament
plays politics
and treats young gay men as criminals, young gay men continue to have
limited access to health and welfare services at a time when they need
it the most.
NSW is now the LAST STATE
for equal and non-discriminatory age of consent laws.
The Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) fights discrimination every day
but we need your help!
The NSW State election is only months away. To join in the fight for
equal rights, you can:
- Become a member of the GLRL
- Make a donation to our campaign appeal
- Contact your local MP and tell them you demand an equal age of consent
Tell them your vote in the upcoming election depends on it!
- And, most importantly post the “GLRL Last State - Equal Rights
Campaign” Postcard to Premier Carr demanding equal rights for
gays and lesbians in NSW.