Lesbians and gay men have
children and families.
In NSW our families face legal and social
They become invisible.
The NSW Government has turned a blind eye to lesbian and
gay families. It does not recognise our children’s relationships
with their parents in many areas such as support and inheritance. As a
result our children, unlike other children, can miss out if we die or
break-up. We can now adopt as individuals but cannot adopt as couples
- even if this is in the best interests of the child. Even co-parents
cannot adopt their own children. Fear mongers like to suggest that lesbians
and gay men shouldn’t have children as it is somehow harmful, but
all credible recent research has shown that the children of gay men and
lesbians are as well adjusted in every area as other children. So far
the Government has shamefully put politics before the rights of families
to be treated equally. The Government is denying rights to our children.
NSW is now the LAST STATE for lesbian and gay equality.
The Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) fights discrimination
every day but we need your help! The NSW State election is only months
away. To join in the fight for equal rights, you can:
- Become a member of the GLRL
- Make a donation to our campaign appeal
- Contact your local MP and tell them you demand equality for all familiesTell
them your vote in the upcoming election depends on it!
- And, most importantly post the “GLRL Last State - Equal Rights
Campaign” Postcard to Premier Carr demanding equal rights for
gays and lesbians in NSW.