The Lobby produces a range of publications for the benefit of its members
and the community. As the Lobby is a volunteer organisation these publications
are produced only through the efforts of its volunteer team. The publications
Major Reports
The Lobby has produced a number of major research reports including the
1993 "The Bride Wore Pink" which discussed legal recognition
of gay and lesbian relationships.
More recently the Lobby has been working on the issue of parenting, producing
discussion papers on "Meet the Parents" and "And Then The
Bride Changed Nappies".
Annual Reports
The Lobby produces an Annual Report which outlines its activities, finances
and achievements. The most recent Annual Report is 2001 - 2002.
Fact Sheets
The Lobby has produced a range of Fact Sheets which are simple, plain
language overviews of the issues facing gay and lesbian people in New
South Wales. The Fact Sheets cover relationship rights, superannuation,
workplace discrimination and parenting, and are a great way to start to
understand the issues and get involved.
The Lobby produces a regular newsletter for its members to keep them up
to date on recent activities and achievements as well as upcoming events.
Press Releases
Press Releases show recent 'news' and highlight activities and events
in which the Lobby has been involved.